Friday, July 10, 2009

pretty wings and more pretty things...

just as perfect as the song is written, is nina ricci runway couture winged heel. you won't find these in the street.

if those don't strike you as exciting, here is another pair of shoes you might find on cloud nine and not in your local mall:

Repetto's "winged sandal". the ballet inspired shoe was showcased at Bergdolf Goodman in NYC for Repetto's 60th anniversary last year.

A little less angelic, i present to you, Franc Fernandez for Brian Lichtenberg:

"self help" - self portrait of the man himself.

it get's better:

not feelin' it?

how about this piece:

do you recognize this piece? i thought you did...

fashion forward ms. beyonce knowles (my bestie) Diva video shoot in franc fernandez for brian litchberg:

or this... some random model in franc fernandez's "blanc" and then beyonce on the Diva set:

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